We Proudly Serve Mesa, Gilbert, Chandler, Queen Creek, Tempe, Maricopa, Scottsdale, San Tan, Paradise Valley & Phoenix, Arizona


Mesa is a beautiful place to live. The mild winters, the stunning sunsets, the lovely cacti… and, oh yes, the rodents. Unfortunately, these little critters can put a real damper on your desert paradise. 

But don’t worry – you’re not alone. In fact, you’re in good company. According to a recent survey, 14.8 million U.S. households reported rodent sightings in 2020 alone! 

No need to fret just yet – we’ve got you covered with some advice on how to say “adios” to these uninvited guests.

The Stakes of Rodent Infestation

two rats on a dirty grate

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of rodent control, let’s take a moment to understand why it’s essential to keep these pesky intruders out


Rodents aren’t just cute little furballs. They can cause extensive damage to your home, gnaw through electrical wiring (hello, fire hazard!), and even spread diseases like Hantavirus and Salmonella. Trust us, no one wants that kind of drama.

Want to know how you can tell if you have a rodent problem? Here are some telltale signs that you’ve got company:

  • Droppings: Little black pellets scattered around your pantry or under the sink.
  • Gnaw Marks: Look out for chewed-up wires, furniture, or even food packaging.
  • Nests: Rodents love to make cozy homes out of shredded paper, fabric, or plant material.
  • Scratching Noises: If you hear odd noises in your walls or attic, it’s likely the sound of tiny feet scampering around.

Common Rodents in Mesa

large rat eating out of a discarded coffee cup

Mesa isn’t just a favorite spot for snowbirds; it’s also quite popular among all different kinds of rodents. The most common culprits you’ll encounter are:

  • House Mice: Small, with large ears and a pointed snout. They love nibbling on your pantry snacks.
  • Roof Rats: Sleek, agile, and excellent climbers. They prefer nesting in high places like attics or trees.
  • Norway Rats: Bigger, chunkier, and ground-dwellers. These guys can chew through just about anything.

Have you ever wondered why rodents seem to love your Mesa home? First, the climate is perfect for them. The hot summers and mild winters make for excellent breeding conditions. 

Not only that, but urban sprawl has provided them with plenty of hiding spots, including homes, gardens, and parks. And let’s not forget the abundance of food sources – hello, backyard BBQs!

The Most Effective Rodent Control Techniques

two rats eating on a wooden log

Now that you know what you’re up against, let’s talk strategy. Here are some effective ways to keep those rodents at bay:

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps or holes and seal them with steel wool or caulk. Trust us, rodents can squeeze through the tiniest openings.
  • Clean Up Clutter: Rodents love a good hiding spot. Keep your home tidy and free of unnecessary clutter.
  • Proper Food Storage: Store food in airtight containers and keep your kitchen clean. No crumbs, no party for rodents.
  • Keep Trash Secure: Use lidded bins and take out the trash regularly. Rodents, as well as countless other types of pests (like flies and wasps) love garbage, so you’ll likely see a decrease in pest populations of all types by being more vigilant about the trash.
  • Maintain Your Yard: Trim bushes and mow the lawn regularly. This will reduce hiding spots for rodents and other types of pests. Plus – the curb appeal!
  • Fix Leaks: Rodents need water too. Fix any leaks to deprive them of this resource.
  • Remove Outdoor Attractants:Trim tree branches that overhang your roof and remove piles of debris or firewood near your home.

If you’ve tried all the DIY methods and still find yourself playing host to unwanted guests, it might be time to call in the pros. 

Professional pest control services, like Green Magic Pest Control, offer specialized treatments that target rodents effectively. They can also provide ongoing maintenance to ensure your home remains rodent-free.

Don’t overlook the benefits of regular inspections, either – prevention is always better than cure. Conduct regular inspections of your home to catch any signs of rodent activity early. Check your attic, basement, and other potential nesting sites for any telltale signs.

The Real Cost of Rodent Damage

Ignoring a rodent problem can get expensive. From chewed wires and structural damage to health-related costs, the price of inaction is high. Investing in rodent control measures now can save you a lot of money down the road.

Keeping rodents out of your home requires a mix of vigilance, prevention, and sometimes professional help. By following these tips, you can ensure that your Mesa home remains a rodent-free haven.

If the battle against rodents feels overwhelming, Green Magic Pest Control is just a call away. Our expert team serves Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, and the rest of The Valley. We’re here to help you reclaim your home and keep it secure from unwanted critters.

Ready to live rodent-free? Contact Green Magic Pest Control today and take the first step towards a safer, healthier home.

You’re lounging in your cozy Phoenix home, sipping on some iced tea, enjoying a perfect day. 

Suddenly, you spot an uninvited guest skittering across your floor. No, it’s not your quirky neighbor – it’s a bug! 

Did you know that around 84% of homeowners experience a pest problem at some point? If you’re living in the Phoenix area, the odds might be even higher thanks to our unique climate and environment. 

Don’t panic. This guide will help you identify common Phoenix pests, understand what makes them tick, and show you the best ways to keep your home bug-free. Ready to reclaim your home from these unwelcome visitors? Let’s get started!

Why Phoenix is a Pest Paradise

wasps crawling out of box

First things first – why do pests love Phoenix so much? For starters, we’ve got a warm climate that’s perfect for pest partying all year round. 

Combine that with our stunning desert landscape, and you’ve got a cozy haven for creepy crawlies and other pests. Species like scorpions, ants, and termites thrive in these conditions. They can be active year-round, making your home a prime target no matter the season.

Plus, rapid urban development means more homes and fewer natural habitats for pests. When their outdoor homes are destroyed, guess where they decide to crash? Yup, your lovely abode!

Your landscaping choices may also be to blame. Your lush, green lawn and beautiful garden might be attracting more than just the envy of your neighbors. Many plants and landscaping choices can create the perfect environment for pests to flourish.

Common Pests in Phoenix

spider on a leaf

Now, let’s break down some of the most common pests you’ll encounter in Phoenix. Spoiler alert – there’s more than just scorpions (but we’ll start there)!


Ah, the infamous scorpions of Phoenix. These nocturnal nuisances are a homeowner’s nightmare. With their venomous sting and ability to sneak into your home through the tiniest cracks, scorpions are a force to be reckoned with.


Scorpions are solitary creatures that hunt at night, making them hard to spot until it’s too late.

They love dark, cool places, like under rocks, in your shoes, or even inside your walls.


Seal cracks, remove debris from your yard, and consider using a professional pest control service to keep these arachnids at bay.

Roof Rats

If you hear scampering sounds above your head, you might have roof rats as housemates. These rodents are excellent climbers and love to nest in attics.


Roof rats are nocturnal and can chew through almost anything, including electrical wires, posing a fire hazard. They prefer high places and will nest in trees, attics, and the upper parts of buildings.


Want to keep roof rats at bay? Keep trees and shrubs trimmed away from your home, seal entry points, and use traps or baits to prevent and eliminate infestations.


Termites might be small, but they can cause big problems. These wood-eating insects can wreak havoc on your home’s structure if left unchecked.


These pests work silently, often causing significant damage before they’re detected. They build their colonies underground and create mud tubes to access wood sources.


Regularly inspect your home for signs of termites, such as mud tubes or wood damage, and consider professional termite treatments if you’re concerned about an infestation.


Ants might seem harmless, but different species can cause various problems in your home. From carpenter ants damaging wood structures to fire ants delivering painful stings, these tiny invaders are no joke.


Ants build nests in soil, under rocks, and even inside your home. They enter homes in search of food and water, often forming long trails.


Keep food sealed, clean up spills promptly, and block entry points to deter ants.

Effective Pest Control Strategies

pest control professional spraying a lawn

Knowing your enemy is half the battle. Now, let’s talk about how to evict these pests for good. Here are some strategies that work well for most types of pests:


  • Regular Inspections: Prevention is better than cure, and regular inspections can help catch pest problems before they become major issues. Schedule inspections at least once a year, more frequently if you’ve had past infestations.
  • Sealing Entry Points: Pests are opportunists. They’ll exploit any crack or gap to gain entry. Inspect your home’s exterior for potential entry points and seal them with caulk or other appropriate materials.
  • Yard Maintenance: Keeping your yard tidy can significantly reduce the chances of pests moving into your home. Remove standing water, trim vegetation, and keep firewood and debris away from your house.
  • Natural Repellents: Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus can repel pests. Mix a few drops with water and spray around your home.
  • Homemade Traps: You may also be able to create your own traps using household items. For example, a mixture of sugar and borax can attract and kill ants.
  • Regular Cleaning: A clean home is less attractive to pests. Regularly vacuum, wipe down surfaces, and take out the trash to keep pests at bay.
  • Professional Pest Control: Sometimes, DIY methods just won’t cut it. Professional pest control services have the expertise and tools to tackle stubborn infestations effectively. Companies like Green Magic Pest Control specialize in dealing with Phoenix’s unique pest challenges.

Keep Your Phoenix Home Pest-Free

Pests might be a common problem in Phoenix, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with them. By understanding the unique challenges of our area and implementing effective strategies, you can keep your home pest-free. 


Whether you opt for DIY methods or professional services, the key is to stay vigilant and proactive. 


If you need expert help, Green Magic Pest Control is here for you, serving Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, and the Valley with top-notch pest control solutions. 


Ready to reclaim your home from uninvited guests? Contact Green Magic Pest Control today and enjoy a pest-free home tomorrow!

Imagine this: it’s a sunny Saturday morning in Chandler, and you’re sipping your coffee while admiring your well-kept yard. 

Suddenly, you spot a suspicious mound near your flower bed. Your heart sinks as you realize it might be termites. Termites are more than just a nuisance; they can cause serious damage to your home.

Unfortunately, landscaping practices (like leaving firewood too close to the house, using termite-attracting mulch, and keeping the grass too tall) all have the potential to invite termites inside for a snack. Once they’re there, they’re tough to get rid of.

But what if there was a way to keep your yard beautiful and also termite-free? 

Enter termite-resistant mulch. It’s not just any mulch; it’s your yard’s best defense against termites.

green lawn with a wheelbarrow filled with mulchWhat is Termite-Resistant Mulch?

Before we get into the specifics, let’s clarify what termite-resistant mulch is. Simply put, it’s a type of mulch that deters termites from making your garden their next meal

Most types of mulch retain moisture and provide termites with a perfect environment to thrive. This is especially true for areas like Mesa and Phoenix, where the climate can turn your yard into a termite paradise.

Unlike regular mulch, which can sometimes attract termites, termite-resistant mulch provides the benefits of traditional mulch without the unwanted pests.

dead grassBenefits of Using Termite-Resistant Mulch

One of the biggest benefits of using termite-resistant mulch is the protection it offers your home. By choosing the right mulch, you create a barrier that keeps termites at bay, ultimately safeguarding your property from potential damage.

Repairing termite damage can cost an arm and a leg. Termite-resistant mulch is a cost-effective preventative measure that can save you significant money in the long run. Think of it as an investment in the longevity of your home.

Beyond termite prevention, termite-resistant mulch also enhances soil health. It helps retain moisture, controls weeds, and adds organic matter to the soil, making your garden not only beautiful but also healthy.

Best Types of Termite-Resistant Mulch

Now that you know why you should be choosing termite-resistant mulch, all that remains is the “what.” What’s the best type of termite-resistant mulch, and why should it be at the top of your shopping list as you plan out your garden? 


If you’re thinking about using organic mulch, here are three top contenders:


  • Cypress Mulch: Cypress mulch is a popular choice due to its natural termite-repellent properties. Its unique aroma and composition make it less appealing to termites while providing excellent moisture retention.
  • Cedar Mulch: Cedar mulch is another great option. The natural oils in cedar wood are toxic to termites, making it an effective barrier against them. Plus, it has a pleasant scent and adds a lovely touch to your garden.
  • Melaleuca Mulch: Melaleuca mulch, derived from the invasive Melaleuca tree, is both eco-friendly and termite-resistant. 


Aside from these three, another option is to choose an inorganic mulch, like rubber, rocks, gravel, or plastic sheeting. Although these aren’t always as aesthetically pleasing (or as good for the environment) as organic mulches, they go a long way in preventing termites from taking hold.

termite resistant mulchHow to Apply Termite-Resistant Mulch Effectively

Just as important as the type of mulch you use is how you apply it. Here are a few tips:

Proper Placement

To maximize the effectiveness of termite-resistant mulch, it’s crucial to apply it correctly. Make sure the mulch is placed at least 12 inches away from the foundation of your home. This creates a buffer zone that termites are unlikely to cross.

Ideal Depth

A two to three inch layer of mulch is ideal. Too much mulch can create a damp environment, which is still attractive to termites, while too little may not provide the desired benefits.

Regular Maintenance

Regularly check your mulch and garden beds for signs of termites and other pests. Proper maintenance ensures that your termite-resistant mulch continues to do its job effectively.

The Role of Landscaping in Termite Prevention

Aside from choosing the right type of mulch for your garden, there are a few other steps you can take to prevent termites from becoming a problem:

Plant Selection

Selecting the right plants can also play a role in termite prevention. Opt for plants that are less attractive to termites, such as marigolds and chrysanthemums, which can act as natural deterrents.


Also, make sure that any wooden structures in your garden, such as fences and garden beds, do not come into direct contact with the soil. Use stones or concrete to create a barrier between the wood and soil.


Be mindful of your watering, too. Overwatering can create the perfect environment for termites, so check that your garden has proper drainage to avoid excess moisture.

When to Call the Pros

Applying termite-resistant mulch is a relatively simple task that most homeowners can handle themselves. If you’re confident in your gardening skills, go ahead and give it a try.


But if you’re dealing with a severe termite infestation or prefer professional help, consider reaching out to a pest control service. They can provide expert advice and ensure your garden is properly protected.


Living in The Valley, you know termite infestations can be a real concern. That’s where Green Magic Pest Control comes in. Our team of experts specializes in termite prevention and can help you choose the best termite-resistant mulch for your garden. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!


Imagine this – you just settled into your comfy bed after a long day, looking forward to a restful night, when suddenly, you feel an itch. The next morning, you find tiny red bumps on your skin. All over your skin.

It sounds like a nightmare, but unfortunately, it’s something far too many of us have had to deal with. Welcome to the world of bed bugs, the sneaky invaders that are causing quite a ruckus in Scottsdale homes.

Bed bugs, those tiny, reddish-brown creatures, have become a common yet unwelcome guest in many households. Believe it or not, 1 in 5 Americans has either encountered bed bugs or knows someone who has. These pests don’t discriminate – they can be found in pristine hotels, cozy homes, and even on public transportation. 

But how do you know if you’ve got an infestation, and what can you do about it?

bed bug crawling on a mattressSpotting the Early Signs of an Infestation

So how do you know if it’s bed bugs you’re dealing with? Here are a few telltale signs.

Unexplained Itchy Bites

One of the earliest signs of a bed bug infestation is itchy, red bites. These often appear in clusters or lines on exposed skin areas such as the arms, neck, and face. 

Unlike mosquito bites or even flea bites, bed bug bites can take up to 14 days to appear, making it tricky to pinpoint the exact moment you were bitten.

Tiny Bloodstains on Your Sheets

Have you noticed small, rust-colored stains on your bedding? These could be bloodstains from crushed bed bugs. Bed bugs feed on human blood, and it’s not uncommon for them to get squished during your sleep, leaving behind these telltale marks.

Dark Spots on Your Mattress

Another sign to watch for is dark spots on your mattress or furniture. These are bed bug excrement, and they can be found in seams, crevices, or any small hiding spots. If you see these spots, it’s a clear indication that bed bugs have made themselves at home.

Understanding the Impact of Bed Bugs

close up of a bed bug

Bed bug bites can cause significant discomfort, itching, and even allergic reactions in some individuals. The constant scratching can lead to secondary skin infections, further complicating the issue.

The mere presence of bed bugs can lead to severe stress and anxiety. The thought of sharing your bed with these pests is unsettling and can disrupt your sleep, leading to fatigue and irritability.

Health problems aside, dealing with a bed bug infestation can be costly. Professional extermination services, replacing infested furniture, and ongoing preventive measures can add up quickly. It’s estimated that Americans spend more than $400 million annually on bed bug treatments alone.

Professional Methods to Eliminate Bed Bugs

bed bug inspection on bed

You’ve got bed bugs – that’s the bad news. The good news is that you aren’t helpless – there are steps you can take to get rid of them:

Heat Treatments

One of the most effective professional methods to eradicate bed bugs is heat treatment. This involves raising the temperature of your home to a level that bed bugs cannot survive, usually around 120°F. Heat treatments are chemical-free and can eliminate all life stages of bed bugs in a single session.

Chemical Extermination

Professional pest control companies often use chemical treatments to target bed bugs. These treatments include insecticides specifically formulated to kill bed bugs on contact. It’s essential to hire a licensed professional for this method to ensure the safe and effective application of these chemicals.

Cryonite Treatment

Cryonite is a non-toxic treatment that uses carbon dioxide snow to freeze and kill bed bugs instantly. This method is particularly useful for treating sensitive areas, such as electronics and furniture, without causing any of the damage you might with heat treatments.

DIY Methods to Combat Bed Bugs

If you’re dealing with a serious infestation, unfortunately, DIY methods might be too little, too late. However, for smaller issues, follow these steps:


Regular vacuuming can help reduce the bed bug population in your home. Focus on vacuuming seams, crevices, and any suspected hiding spots. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag immediately to prevent re-infestation.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that can be sprinkled around your home to kill bed bugs. It works by dehydrating the pests, effectively eliminating them. However, it may take several days to see results, and it’s crucial to use food-grade diatomaceous earth for safety.

Mattress Encasements

Using mattress encasements designed for bed bug protection can help trap and eventually kill bed bugs. These encasements prevent bed bugs from entering or escaping, disrupting their life cycle and reducing their numbers over time.

Preventing Future Infestations

Once you’ve gotten rid of your bed bug problem, don’t let your home become a breeding ground for another one. Here are some tips to prevent bed bugs later on down the line:


  • Regular Inspections: Conducting regular inspections of your home can help you catch a bed bug infestation early. Check your mattress, furniture, and any potential hiding spots for signs of bed bugs. Early detection is key to preventing a full-blown infestation.
  • Reduce Clutter: Bed bugs love hiding in cluttered spaces. By reducing clutter in your home, you eliminate potential hiding spots and make it easier to spot and treat any infestations.
  • Be Cautious When Traveling: Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride home with you from hotels and other accommodations. Inspect your hotel room for signs of bed bugs, keep your luggage off the floor, and wash your clothes in hot water after returning home.

Sleep Tight, Scottsdale!

Bed bugs are a growing concern in Scottsdale for a few reasons. For one, our warm climate provides an ideal environment for bed bugs to thrive. Although these pests are found all over the world, they’re more active in warm temps. 

Not only that, but Scottsdale is a popular tourist destination, with thousands of visitors coming and going year-round. This constant influx of people increases the risk of bed bugs being introduced to hotels, homes, and public spaces. 

Add to that the high population density in Scottsdale’s neighborhoods, and it means more opportunities for bed bugs to spread. Shared living spaces, apartments, and public transportation all contribute to the rapid dissemination of these pests.

However, with the right knowledge and tools, you can protect your home and family from these pesky invaders. 

By recognizing the early signs of an infestation, using effective DIY methods, and seeking professional help when needed, you can keep bed bugs at bay in Scottsdale, as well as surrounding areas like Chandler, Phoenix, Mesa, and the Valley.

Ready to take action? Contact Green Magic Pest Control today and let us help you reclaim your home from bed bugs. Sleep tight, Scottsdale – we’ve got your back!

We all love Arizona’s warm, dry climate – it’s one of the many reasons the state is such an attractive place to live. With its stunning desert landscapes and sunny weather, Arizona promises a comfortable and vibrant lifestyle.

Unfortunately, we aren’t the only ones who love the climate. Termites do, too. 

Despite their small size, termites have the potential to wreak massive havoc on your home if allowed to multiply unchecked. Causing billions of dollars in damage to homeowners each year, these pests can work for years – decades, in some cases – before they’re spotted. By then, it’s often too late.

Don’t become another statistic. In this post, we’ll tell you a little bit more about why termites are so problematic – and how you can keep these pesky invaders at bay. 

termites in sawdustUnderstanding Termites in Arizona

Arizona is home to several types of termites, but the most common are subterranean and drywood termites. 


Subterranean termites are a significant threat in Arizona. They build extensive underground colonies and often go undetected until significant damage has occurred. 


Their mud tubes can be found along foundations, walls, and other structures, making them difficult to spot without a keen eye.


Drywood termites, on the other hand, don’t need contact with soil. They can infest furniture, structural wood, and even picture frames. Because they live within the wood, they can be challenging to detect until it’s too late.


The warm, dry climate of Arizona creates an ideal environment for termites to thrive. Understanding the specific behaviors and preferences of termites in this region is crucial for effective control and prevention.

Signs of a Termite Infestation

termites in sawdust

Detecting a termite infestation early can save you thousands of dollars in repairs. Here are some common signs to watch out for:


  • Mud Tubes and Droppings: Subterranean termites build mud tubes to travel between their colonies and food sources. Look for these along your foundation, walls, and crawl spaces. Drywood termites leave behind small, pellet-like droppings called frass, which can accumulate near infested wood.
  • Hollow-Sounding Wood: Tap on wooden structures around your home. If they sound hollow, it could indicate termite damage. Termites eat wood from the inside out, leaving a thin veneer on the surface.
  • Discarded Wings: During swarming season, termites shed their wings. Finding piles of discarded wings near window sills, doors, and other entry points is a clear sign of a termite problem.


two soldier termites on a rockPreventive Measures for Arizona Homeowners

As is the case with all pests, prevention is the first line of defense against termites. Here are some practical steps you can take to protect your property:


  • Maintain Proper Ventilation: Make sure your home has proper ventilation, especially in attics, basements, and crawl spaces. Moisture attracts termites, so keeping these areas dry can deter them.
  • Regular Inspections: Schedule regular termite inspections with a professional pest control service. 
  • Landscaping Tips: Keep mulch, woodpiles, and other cellulose materials away from your home’s foundation. Trim back vegetation and ensure proper drainage to reduce moisture levels around your property.


Sometimes, preventive measures aren’t enough. When termites invade, professional treatment is necessary. Keep reading to learn more.

How to Get Rid of Termites

There are a few types of treatments the pros might use to get rid of your termite problem. One is a liquid termiticide; these are applied to the soil around your home’s foundation. They create a barrier that termites cannot cross, effectively preventing them from entering your home.


Similarly, baiting systems attract termites to a bait station filled with a slow-acting toxic substance. The termites carry the bait back to their colony, effectively eliminating the entire population over time.


Finally, for severe infestations, fumigation may be necessary. This involves tenting your home and filling it with a gas that penetrates all areas, killing termites on contact.


While professional treatments are always going to be the most effective, there are some DIY methods you can try. For example, boric acid is a natural insecticide that can be used to treat localized termite infestations. You can apply it to infested wood and areas where termites are active.


There are also certain essential oils, like orange and neem oil, that have been shown to repel termites. Spray them on infested areas to help control the population.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance

Even after treatment, it’s essential to maintain your home’s defenses against termites. Regular inspections and ongoing preventive measures can help make sure your property remains termite-free.


First, you should schedule annual inspections with a professional pest control service to catch any new infestations early.


Also, repair and seal any cracks in your home’s foundation, walls, and roof. These entry points can provide easy access for termites.


Keep an eye on moisture levels in and around your home. Fix any leaks promptly and ensure proper drainage to prevent termite attraction.

The Role of Professional Pest Control Services

Dealing with a termite infestation? Don’t attempt to fix the problem yourself. While the preventative and DIY measures we’ve described above can be effective at preventing termite problems (or even keeping infestations small), they won’t do much once a severe infestation sets in. 


For that, you’ll need to call in the big guns – professional pest control services. They have the expertise and experience to accurately identify and treat termite infestations. They’ll be able to recommend the best treatment options for your specific situation. 


Not only that, but professionals have access to advanced tools and techniques that are more effective than DIY methods. Perhaps the best part is that many pest control services offer ongoing support and maintenance plans to keep your home protected from termites year-round.


If you’re dealing with a termite problem or want to take preventive steps so you never have to, consider contacting Green Magic Pest Control. Our expert team is ready to help you safeguard your home and ensure it remains termite-free.

Schedule an inspection today!

Imagine this scenario. You’re sitting comfortably on your porch, enjoying an unseasonably cool Tempe evening, and suddenly you feel it – a tiny, unwelcome tickle. You look down to see an army of ants marching towards your lemonade. 

If pest problems are plaguing your Tempe home, you’re not alone. According to one study, 84% of American homeowners experience a pest problem every year. But don’t worry – Green Magic’s pest control services have got you covered.

Whether it’s ants or bees, scorpions or flies, you don’t have to suffer in silence when it comes to pests. You just need to think outside the box – and trust in the best pest control Tempe, AZ has to offer. 

The Importance of Pest Control in Tempe, AZ

green fly on concrete

Living in Tempe, you’re probably aware of the unique pest challenges we face. From the scorching heat to the occasional rain, our climate is a magnet for pests. 

Termites, ants, roaches, spiders, and scorpions are just a handful of the common culprits that lurk in our homes. Ignoring these pests can lead to severe damage and costly repairs.

For instance, termites cause about $5 billion in property damage annually in the U.S., according to the National Pest Management Association. Carpenter ants, though not as destructive as termites, can also cause severe damage.

And don’t forget about the health risks. Just about every type of pest, from rats to cockroaches to ants, have the potential to spread diseases and even, in some cases, trigger allergic reactions.

So dealing with pests promptly and effectively isn’t just a matter of vanity – it’s about making sure everyone in your house saves money (and protecting the actual infrastructure of your home, too, of course).

Understanding Common Pests in Tempe

If you want to fight fire with fire, the best thing you can do for a pest problem is to understand what you’re up against. Here are some of the most common pests in Tempe:


  • Ants: Ants might seem harmless, but when they invade your home, they can be a real nuisance. These tiny creatures are attracted to food and water, making your kitchen their favorite spot. 
  • Termites: Termites are silent destroyers. They can chew through wood, wallpaper, and flooring undetected, causing significant structural damage. 
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches are not just creepy; they’re also carriers of diseases. They can contaminate food and trigger allergies and asthma. 
  • Scorpions: Scorpions are common in Tempe and can pose a real threat, especially to children and pets. Their sting can cause severe pain and allergic reactions. 

The Best Advice for Pest Control in Tempe, AZ

yellowjacket wasps on a wooden structure

If you want to keep pests out of your home, it all starts with a bit of prevention. Here are some surefire ways to protect yourself:

Regular Inspections

The first step to a pest-free home is regular inspections. Green Magic offers thorough inspections to identify potential pest problems before they escalate. For almost every single type of pest out there, early detection is key to preventing infestations.

Sealing Entry Points

Pests can enter your home through tiny cracks and gaps. Sealing these entry points can significantly reduce the risk of infestation. 


While this is certainly something you can do on your own, it often helps to have the helping hand of someone who’s seen these kinds of infestations firsthand. Our team at Green Magic knows what to look for and why – so give us a call if you need help identifying potential entry points.

Proper Waste Management

Pests love trash – it’s as simple as that. You need to make sure that your trash is disposed of regularly and stored in sealed containers. The same goes for other sources of food, like crumbs on the counter or in the pantry – or even exposed bowls of pet food.  

Maintaining Cleanliness

Jumping off the last point, remember – pests are attracted to food and water sources. Keeping your home clean and dry can deter pests from invading. 


You don’t need to have a completely spotless home, but regular cleaning, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, is helpful when it comes to preventing pests. Our team at Green Magic can guide you on best practices for maintaining cleanliness.

Using Eco-Friendly Products

Using eco-friendly pest control products can help protect your home without harming the environment. Green Magic uses green products that are effective against pests but safe for your family and pets.

Continuous Monitoring

Pest control is an ongoing process. Continuous monitoring and maintenance are essential to keep your home pest-free. Green Magic offers ongoing services to ensure that your home remains protected from pests.

yellowjacket wasps on a wooden structureWhy DIY Methods Sometimes Fail

You might be tempted to handle pest problems on your own using DIY methods.


While some techniques can offer temporary relief – especially the preventative measures described above – other DIY treatments tend to fail to address the root cause of the infestation. 


Professional pest control services like Green Magic provide comprehensive solutions, ensuring long-term protection and peace of mind.

The Cost of Ignoring Pest Problems

Remember, ignoring pest problems can lead to costly consequences – consequences you probably don’t want to have to ever deal with. 


Termite damage can weaken your home’s structure, while cockroach infestations can cause health issues. And that’s not even saying anything at all about problems related to rodents, flies, ants, or spider infestations!


Ultimately, investing in professional pest control services can save you money in the long run by preventing extensive damage and health risks.

Living in Tempe comes with its unique pest challenges, but with Green Magic’s expert pest control services, you can enjoy a pest-free home. From ants to scorpions, our eco-friendly solutions and personalized service ensure that your home is protected year-round.

Ready to say goodbye to pests? Contact Green Magic today and experience the magic of a pest-free home. Whether you’re in Tempe, Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, or anywhere in the Valley, Green Magic is here to help.

Don’t you think it’s time to enjoy peace of mind and a comfortable, pest-free home? We sure do. So don’t wait – take the first step towards a healthier and happier home today!


“Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water…,” said Chief Brody in Jaws. But here in Arizona, amidst the desert sands, it’s not the water you need to worry about. It’s the big, eight-legged critters that might be lurking in your own backyard – or even inside your home. 

If you’re a homeowner in Scottsdale or anywhere else in the Valley, encountering these giant spiders can be quite an ordeal. 

But don’t panic. While nobody wants to deal with spiders in their homes, it’s fairly easy to keep these pests out (or get rid of them if they decide to come inside). It all starts with a bit of education on the most common arachnids you might find here.

Spiders in Arizona aren’t just your average garden variety. We’re talking about big spiders – some of the largest in North America. 

From tarantulas to wolf spiders, these arachnids can grow to impressive sizes and may sometimes find their way into homes. Nobody wants to think about it, but understanding these different spiders can help you manage them better and keep your home spider-free.

Let’s talk about what you should be on the lookout for.

The Tarantula – Gentle Giant of the Desert

large black and brown large tarantula on moss

Tarantulas are perhaps the most well-known of Arizona’s big spiders. These gentle giants can have a leg span of up to 10 inches. They’re covered in hair, which can exist in a variety of different colors, depending on the species. 

The good news? Despite their intimidating size, tarantulas are generally harmless to humans.

Tarantulas are nocturnal and tend to stay in burrows during the day. However, males often roam in search of a mate, especially during late summer and fall. This is when you’re most likely to encounter one in your yard or even inside your home.

During their mating season, male tarantulas can accidentally wander into homes. While they’re not aggressive, their presence can be startling. If you find one in your home, it’s best to gently guide it outside.

Wolf Spiders – Fast and Furry

Wolf spiders are another large spider species found in Arizona. They can reach up to four inches in leg span and are known for their speed and agility. These spiders are usually brown or gray with distinctive markings on their backs.

Wolf spiders are ground dwellers and do not spin webs. Instead, they hunt their prey by chasing it down. They’re commonly found in gardens, under rocks, and in leaf litter.

Wolf spiders may enter homes in search of food or shelter, particularly during colder months. They’re more likely to be found in basements, garages, and other ground-level spaces. While their venom is not dangerous to humans, their bite can be painful.

Black Widow – The Iconic Danger

black widow spider on a web

Black widow spiders are smaller than tarantulas and wolf spiders but are perhaps the most feared. Female black widows can be identified by their shiny black bodies and distinctive red hourglass markings on the abdomen. They can grow to about 1.5 inches in leg span.

Black widows prefer dark, secluded areas like garages, sheds, and woodpiles. They spin irregular webs where they wait for prey to become entangled.

Black widow bites can be dangerous, especially to children and the elderly. The most common symptoms include muscle pain, cramps, and spasms. It’s crucial to seek medical attention if bitten. Keeping your home and yard free of clutter can help prevent black widow infestations.

Brown Recluse – The Elusive Threat

brown recluse spider

The brown recluse is another spider to be wary of. These spiders are medium-sized, with a body length of about half an inch and a leg span of one to two inches. Brown recluses are light to dark brown with a characteristic violin-shaped marking on their back.

True to their name, brown recluses are reclusive and prefer undisturbed areas. They can be found in attics, closets, and seldom-used storage areas.

A brown recluse bite can cause severe skin damage and other systemic symptoms. Immediate medical treatment is necessary. Regularly inspecting and decluttering storage spaces can help prevent encounters with this elusive spider.

The Giant Crab Spider – A Speedy Intruder

Giant crab spiders are aptly named due to their large size and crab-like appearance. They can have a leg span of up to six inches. They’re often tan or light brown and are known for their speed – perhaps the most disturbing feature of these pests.

These spiders are commonly found in the desert and around homes. They often enter houses in search of food or to escape extreme weather.

While giant crab spiders are not dangerous to humans, their size and speed can be alarming. They’re best captured and released outside.

Arizona Blond Tarantula – The Showstopper

The Arizona blond tarantula is a striking spider with a blond-colored carapace and black legs. They can grow to about six inches in leg span.

These tarantulas are commonly found in the desert and are known for their docile nature. They live in burrows and come out at night to hunt.

Arizona blond tarantulas are not typically aggressive, but if you find one in your home, it’s best to guide it outside.

Orb-Weaver Spiders – Nature’s Architects

orb weaver spider

Orb-weaver spiders are known for their intricate webs. They can grow up to 1.5 inches in body length, with long legs extending further.

These spiders build large, circular webs in gardens, near lights, and around windows. They’re beneficial for controlling insect populations.

Orb-weavers are not a threat to humans, but their webs can be a nuisance indoors. Regular cleaning can help keep them at bay.

Preventing and Dealing with Spiders in Your Home

Make sure your home is kept clean and clutter-free. Spiders are less likely to settle in spotless environments. Regularly vacuuming corners, ceilings, and other common hideouts will help disrupt their habitats. Decluttering your home minimizes the number of hiding spots available to spiders.

Also, take time to seal any cracks or openings in windows, doors, and walls to prevent spiders from entering. Make sure all windows are fitted with screens, and inspect them periodically for any tears or holes. It’s also useful to keep outdoor lights off or use yellow sodium vapor lights that attract fewer insects, subsequently deterring spiders from setting up webs near your home.

In the unfortunate event of a spider infestation, you need to act quickly. 

Spiders are generally more beneficial than harmful, so relocating them rather than exterminating them is preferable. To do this, carefully trap it under a glass or jar and gently slide a piece of paper under it to cover the opening. Carry it outside and release it into a grassy or garden area away from the home. 

For severe infestations – or infestations of any of the dangerous spiders we mentioned above –  consider consulting a pest control professional, like our team at Green Magic. We’ll provide a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your home’s specific needs.

Final Thoughts

Living in Arizona means sharing your environment with some of the largest spiders in North America. While many of these spiders are beneficial and non-aggressive, their presence inside your home can be unsettling. 

If you find yourself dealing with a spider problem, Green Magic Pest Control serves Scottsdale, Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, and the entire Valley. We’ll help you keep your home spider-free – and your peace of mind intact.

Ready to reclaim your space from eight-legged invaders? Give us a call today.

There’s a famous saying that goes, “Everything in Arizona bites, stings, or scratches. Want to live here? Get used to it!”


As funny and cheeky as that quote is, the reality is that you don’t just need to put up with it. Living in Arizona means living in one of the most beautiful desert climates in the world, and it also means there are plenty of pests to deal with, including scorpions. 


But scorpions in Scottsdale don’t have to be a fact of life. There are steps you can take to get rid of them – with investing in great pest control services being chief among them. In this post, we’ll explore your options for scorpion pest control in Scottsdale and the surrounding area (and give you tips on how to prevent these pests in the first place).

Why Scorpion Pest Control is Essential in Scottsdale

brown scorpion in the sand

Scottsdale’s stunning desert landscape isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s also a haven for all kinds of different pests, especially scorpions. The arid climate and rocky terrain provide the perfect breeding grounds, so if you’ve noticed more scorpions around your home, you’re not alone. 

Studies show that scorpion infestations tend to spike during the hotter months as scorpions seek cooler shelter indoors, making effective pest control a year-round necessity. After all, our average temperatures are trending higher year after year.

Scorpions can pose significant health risks. Did you know that the Arizona Bark Scorpion, common in Scottsdale, delivers venom potent enough to cause severe reactions in humans? Symptoms can range from intense pain to more severe systemic problems,  like difficulty breathing. Making sure your home is scorpion-free isn’t just about comfort – it’s about safety.

Common Types of Scorpions in Scottsdale

scorpion glowing blue under a black light

So what types of scorpions do you need to be on the lookout for?        

One of the most infamous scorpions in Scottsdale is the Arizona bark scorpion. Small but dangerous, this scorpion is nocturnal and often hides in crevices, under rocks, and even inside homes. You need to be on the lookout for this one, especially if you have children or pets.           

Though less dangerous than the Arizona Bark Scorpion, the Giant Hairy Scorpion can still deliver a painful sting. These scorpions are easier to spot due to their size and hairy appearance. They typically dwell outside but can wander indoors searching for food or water.

The Striped Tail Scorpion is another common resident of Scottsdale. Recognizable by the dark stripes on its tail, this scorpion prefers to hide under debris or inside cracks in the foundation of homes. While its sting is less potent, it can still cause discomfort and allergic reactions in some people.

Yet as unpleasant as all of these species might seem to us humans, the truth is that scorpions play a vital role in the local ecosystem here in Scottdale. They help control the population of other pests, such as spiders and insects. 

That said, when their numbers become too high, they can pose a threat to human habitation, so balancing their ecological role with human safety is key.

Steps to Control Scorpions Effectively

Now that you know what kind of scorpions you need to be watching out for (and why), how exactly do you keep them at bay? Here are a few tips:

Regular Inspections

Routine inspections with a pest control company are key for staying ahead of scorpion infestations. Green Magic Pest Control offers comprehensive inspections that identify potential entry points and breeding grounds, allowing for targeted treatments.

Sealing Entry Points

Scorpions can squeeze through tiny gaps and cracks. Sealing entry points is a critical step in preventing them from entering your home. Green Magic’s experts will ensure all potential access points are secured, significantly reducing the chances of a scorpion invasion.

Yard Maintenance

A well-maintained yard is less attractive to scorpions. Removing debris, trimming bushes, and keeping grass short can deter these pests. Green Magic offers advice and services to keep your yard scorpion-free.

Declutter Your Home

Scorpions love to hide in cluttered areas. Keep your home tidy, especially storage spaces like the garage and attic. Use sealed containers for storage and regularly clean out any unnecessary items.

Use Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your home’s perimeter can act as a natural deterrent for scorpions. This powder is safe for humans and pets but lethal for scorpions and other insects.

Install Weather Stripping

Gaps under doors are common entry points for scorpions. Installing weather stripping can help close these gaps, making it harder for scorpions to get inside.

The Importance of Professional Help

Scorpion ready to strike

While DIY methods, including the preventive measures described above, go quite a long way in preventing and dealing with scorpion problems, they’re no substitute for professional expertise. Green Magic’s technicians have specialized knowledge and equipment to deal with scorpions effectively. Our targeted treatments ensure that you get the best possible results.

Not only that, but professional pest control services offer long-term solutions rather than quick fixes. We provide ongoing support and follow-up treatments to make sure your home remains scorpion-free throughout the year.

Ready to reclaim your home from scorpions? Reach out to Green Magic Pest Control today and experience the peace of mind that comes with professional pest management. Whether you’re in Scottsdale, Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, or anywhere in the Valley, Green Magic has you covered. Let’s make your home a safe, scorpion-free sanctuary.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” 


This timeless bit of wisdom couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to dealing with cockroaches. Just imagine sitting in the comfort of your home, only to be startled by the scurrying of an unwelcome guest – cockroaches. 


These resilient and notorious pests pose significant health risks and can quickly turn a peaceful household into a battleground. 


The good news is that you don’t have to rely on harsh chemicals or spend a fortune to get rid of them. Instead, learning how to prevent cockroaches can safeguard you from having to deal with these pests in the first place. Here’s how.

American cockroach against a white backgroundUnderstanding the Cockroach Problem

Cockroaches are more than just a nuisance. They can carry diseases, contaminate food, and trigger allergies and asthma. 

In fact, cockroaches are known carriers of pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause food poisoning and gastrointestinal illnesses.

Cockroaches are incredibly resilient creatures. They can survive without food for a month, hold their breath for 40 minutes, and withstand radiation levels that would be lethal to humans. These traits make them notoriously difficult to eliminate once they’ve infested a home.

Different types of cockroaches may invade your home, but the most common are the German cockroach, American cockroach, and Oriental cockroach. 

1. Cleanliness is Key

One of the most effective ways to prevent cockroaches is to maintain a clean home. Cockroaches are attracted to food, water, and shelter, so eliminating these attractants can significantly reduce the chances of an infestation.

The kitchen is a prime target for cockroaches. Keep counters and floors clean, store food in sealed containers, and take out the trash regularly. Pay special attention to hidden areas, such as under appliances and behind cabinets, where crumbs and spills can accumulate unnoticed.

Bathrooms can also attract cockroaches due to the mere presence of water. Fix leaky faucets, dry sinks and tubs after use, and check for proper ventilation to prevent excess moisture. 

General home cleanliness is important, so regularly vacuum carpets, mop floors, and dust surfaces. Pay attention to areas that might be neglected during routine cleaning, such as behind furniture and along baseboards. 

2. Seal Entry Points

Cockroaches can enter your home through tiny cracks and crevices, so sealing these entry points can be an effective way to keep them out.

Start by inspecting your home for potential entry points. Look for gaps around windows and doors, cracks in walls, and openings around utility pipes. Use a flashlight to check dark, hidden areas where cockroaches might enter.

You can also use caulk or weather stripping to seal gaps around windows and doors. Apply expanding foam to fill larger cracks and openings around utility pipes and make sure that door sweeps are installed on exterior doors to close off gaps at the bottom.

Finally, regularly inspect and maintain the seals around your home. Weather conditions, along with natural wear and tear, can cause the seals to deteriorate over time, so it’s important to keep them in good condition.

3. Practice Proper Food Storage

Cockroaches are attracted to food, as are all other pests, so proper storage is another essential step in preventing infestations.

Store all pantry items, such as cereals, grains, and snacks, in airtight containers. This not only keeps food fresh but also prevents cockroaches from accessing it. Avoid using paper or cardboard packaging, as cockroaches can easily chew through these materials.

Many people overlook the importance of storing food properly in the refrigerator, too – believe it or not, your refrigerator can be ground zero for an infestation. Make sure all food is covered or stored in containers. Clean up spills and crumbs immediately, and regularly check for expired items that need to be discarded.

Even pet food can attract cockroaches. Store pet food in sealed containers, and avoid leaving it out overnight. Clean pet feeding areas regularly to remove any spilled food.

American cockroach climbing on the side of a wall4. Engage in Regular Inspections

If you want to catch a cockroach problem before it catches you, consider hiring a professional pest control service to conduct thorough inspections of your home. 

If you prefer to do it yourself, set a schedule for regular inspections. Check common problem areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and basement. Look for signs of cockroach activity, such as droppings, egg cases, and shed skins.

You can also use monitoring devices such as glue traps to detect the presence of cockroaches. Place traps in areas where you suspect activity, and check them regularly. This can help you determine if your prevention measures are effective or if further action is needed.

5. Try Natural Repellents

There are several natural repellents that can help keep cockroaches at bay without the use of harmful chemicals. Though many of these work best when combined with other methods, they offer a harmless, eco-friendly way to reduce populations.

For instance, essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil are known to repel cockroaches. Mix a few drops of oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where cockroaches might enter or hide.

Diatomaceous earth is another solution – it’s a natural powder made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms. When cockroaches come into contact with it, the powder damages their exoskeletons, leading to dehydration and death. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in areas where you suspect cockroach activity.

6. Practice Effective Waste Management

Dispose of household trash regularly. Avoid letting garbage accumulate, as it can attract cockroaches, and use trash cans with tight-fitting lids to keep odors contained and prevent cockroaches from accessing food scraps.

The state of your recycling bin really matters, too, so rinse out food containers before placing them in the recycling bin. Cockroaches are attracted to food residues, so cleaning recyclables can help reduce the risk of infestation.

If you compost, make sure that your compost bin is properly sealed and located away from your home. This will prevent cockroaches from being drawn to the compost pile and potentially finding their way into your house.

7. Reduce Moisture

Cockroaches need water to survive, so reducing moisture in your home can help deter them.

Check for and repair any leaks in pipes, faucets, and appliances. Even small leaks can provide enough moisture to attract cockroaches. 

In areas with high humidity, such as basements and laundry rooms, consider using a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels. Keeping these areas dry can help prevent cockroach infestations.

Finally, make sure that your home is well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to remove excess moisture. 

When to Call in the Pros

Remember, a proactive approach is the best defense against these resilient pests.

If your cockroach problem has grown beyond your scope of control, consider reaching out to Green Magic Pest Control. Our experts are ready to assist you in keeping your home safe and pest-free. We serve much of Arizona, including Chandler, Mesa, and Phoenix – and we’ll work with you to develop a comprehensive cockroach removal plan. 

Together, we can make sure that cockroaches stay out of your living spaces for good.


Contact Us Today to Get Started