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Day: July 2, 2024

There’s a famous saying that goes, “Everything in Arizona bites, stings, or scratches. Want to live here? Get used to it!”


As funny and cheeky as that quote is, the reality is that you don’t just need to put up with it. Living in Arizona means living in one of the most beautiful desert climates in the world, and it also means there are plenty of pests to deal with, including scorpions. 


But scorpions in Scottsdale don’t have to be a fact of life. There are steps you can take to get rid of them – with investing in great pest control services being chief among them. In this post, we’ll explore your options for scorpion pest control in Scottsdale and the surrounding area (and give you tips on how to prevent these pests in the first place).

Why Scorpion Pest Control is Essential in Scottsdale

brown scorpion in the sand

Scottsdale’s stunning desert landscape isn’t just a feast for the eyes; it’s also a haven for all kinds of different pests, especially scorpions. The arid climate and rocky terrain provide the perfect breeding grounds, so if you’ve noticed more scorpions around your home, you’re not alone. 

Studies show that scorpion infestations tend to spike during the hotter months as scorpions seek cooler shelter indoors, making effective pest control a year-round necessity. After all, our average temperatures are trending higher year after year.

Scorpions can pose significant health risks. Did you know that the Arizona Bark Scorpion, common in Scottsdale, delivers venom potent enough to cause severe reactions in humans? Symptoms can range from intense pain to more severe systemic problems,  like difficulty breathing. Making sure your home is scorpion-free isn’t just about comfort – it’s about safety.

Common Types of Scorpions in Scottsdale

scorpion glowing blue under a black light

So what types of scorpions do you need to be on the lookout for?        

One of the most infamous scorpions in Scottsdale is the Arizona bark scorpion. Small but dangerous, this scorpion is nocturnal and often hides in crevices, under rocks, and even inside homes. You need to be on the lookout for this one, especially if you have children or pets.           

Though less dangerous than the Arizona Bark Scorpion, the Giant Hairy Scorpion can still deliver a painful sting. These scorpions are easier to spot due to their size and hairy appearance. They typically dwell outside but can wander indoors searching for food or water.

The Striped Tail Scorpion is another common resident of Scottsdale. Recognizable by the dark stripes on its tail, this scorpion prefers to hide under debris or inside cracks in the foundation of homes. While its sting is less potent, it can still cause discomfort and allergic reactions in some people.

Yet as unpleasant as all of these species might seem to us humans, the truth is that scorpions play a vital role in the local ecosystem here in Scottdale. They help control the population of other pests, such as spiders and insects. 

That said, when their numbers become too high, they can pose a threat to human habitation, so balancing their ecological role with human safety is key.

Steps to Control Scorpions Effectively

Now that you know what kind of scorpions you need to be watching out for (and why), how exactly do you keep them at bay? Here are a few tips:

Regular Inspections

Routine inspections with a pest control company are key for staying ahead of scorpion infestations. Green Magic Pest Control offers comprehensive inspections that identify potential entry points and breeding grounds, allowing for targeted treatments.

Sealing Entry Points

Scorpions can squeeze through tiny gaps and cracks. Sealing entry points is a critical step in preventing them from entering your home. Green Magic’s experts will ensure all potential access points are secured, significantly reducing the chances of a scorpion invasion.

Yard Maintenance

A well-maintained yard is less attractive to scorpions. Removing debris, trimming bushes, and keeping grass short can deter these pests. Green Magic offers advice and services to keep your yard scorpion-free.

Declutter Your Home

Scorpions love to hide in cluttered areas. Keep your home tidy, especially storage spaces like the garage and attic. Use sealed containers for storage and regularly clean out any unnecessary items.

Use Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your home’s perimeter can act as a natural deterrent for scorpions. This powder is safe for humans and pets but lethal for scorpions and other insects.

Install Weather Stripping

Gaps under doors are common entry points for scorpions. Installing weather stripping can help close these gaps, making it harder for scorpions to get inside.

The Importance of Professional Help

Scorpion ready to strike

While DIY methods, including the preventive measures described above, go quite a long way in preventing and dealing with scorpion problems, they’re no substitute for professional expertise. Green Magic’s technicians have specialized knowledge and equipment to deal with scorpions effectively. Our targeted treatments ensure that you get the best possible results.

Not only that, but professional pest control services offer long-term solutions rather than quick fixes. We provide ongoing support and follow-up treatments to make sure your home remains scorpion-free throughout the year.

Ready to reclaim your home from scorpions? Reach out to Green Magic Pest Control today and experience the peace of mind that comes with professional pest management. Whether you’re in Scottsdale, Chandler, Mesa, Phoenix, or anywhere in the Valley, Green Magic has you covered. Let’s make your home a safe, scorpion-free sanctuary.


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