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Day: April 10, 2024

Scorpions are a common household pest in beautiful Maricopa county. Contrary to common belief, these cold-blooded critters can actually overheat easier than you might expect, leading them to seek shelter and moisture within our homes and businesses. With dozens of species of scorpions proliferating the Arizona metropolitan area, it’s important to understand what makes these aggressive arachnids attracted to our comfy homes. 

If you’re dealing with a scorpion problem in your Maricopa county home or business, contact Green Magic Pest Control. We can handle any scorpion infestation, not matter how big or small the critters are. Call us today for a free quote!

Factors that Attract Scorpions to a Location

Scorpions are animals, and what do all animals do? They eat, in some form or another, and scorpions need prey insects just like their cousins in the spider kingdom. They also need water and shelter. Areas teeming with insects, such as ants, spiders, and cockroaches and a real buffet-style treat for scorps. Secondly, scorpions are in search of moisture. They require a certain level of hydration to survive, which is why you might find them near water sources or in damp locations. Lastly, shelter is a critical factor. Scorpions are not fans of the sun’s harsh rays and will seek refuge under rocks, within crevices, or any place that offers darkness and protection during the day.

If you’re working on a construction or maintenance project, that might be a driver for scorp-activity nearby. Torn up gardens and flower beds, construction debris, and openings in your home’s exterior are what scorpions love. Shelter, sources of moisture, and a route to the great indoors. If you’re working on a project this spring, keep a close eye out for these arachnids trying to sneak in where they aren’t welcome!

Common Mistakes That Attract Scorpions

Unwittingly, many homeowners create environments that are practically inviting to scorpions. One of the most common mistakes is overwatering the garden. Excessive moisture not only provides a drinking source for scorpions but also attracts their prey, creating an ideal hunting ground right in your backyard. Similarly, outdoor lighting is another factor often overlooked. Lights attract insects, which in turn attract scorpions, turning your home into a beacon for these predators. 

If you have a grass lawn, you likely need to water it on a regular basis. Grass lawns are essentially an oasis for scorpions in Arizona, so keep an eye out if you sustain this luxury. 

Another oversight is the accumulation of clutter, both inside and outside the home. Stacks of wood, piles of leaves, and even cluttered basements provide scorpions with the perfect hiding spots to shelter during the day and emerge from at night. Furthermore, structural issues such as cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and torn screens offer easy access points for scorpions seeking entry into your home. Regular maintenance and a vigilant eye can help mitigate these risks and make your home less appealing to scorpions.

How to Prevent Scorpions from Entering Your Home

Preventing scorpions from entering your home involves a multifaceted approach that addresses both the interior and exterior aspects of your property. Sealing your home against scorpions is the first line of defense. This means inspecting the exterior of your home for any cracks, holes, or openings that could serve as entry points for scorpions. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal these areas effectively. Door sweeps and window screens should be in good repair to prevent scorpions from slipping through these common entry points.

Landscaping plays a significant role in scorpion prevention as well. Keeping bushes trimmed, grass cut short, and trees pruned away from the house reduces shelter and access points for scorpions. Additionally, eliminating standing water and fixing leaky faucets diminish the moisture that attracts scorpions and their prey. Regularly removing debris, such as rocks, wood piles, and leaf litter from around your property also reduces hiding spots for scorpions.

Inside your home, keeping areas clean, clutter-free, and minimizing hiding spots can deter scorpions. Use plastic storage containers instead of cardboard boxes to store items, and avoid leaving clothing or shoes on the floor. Regular pest control treatments can help manage the insect population in your home, removing the food source that attracts scorpions.

Effective Pest Control Methods for Scorpions

When it comes to managing scorpions, a proactive approach is best. Regular pest control treatments can significantly reduce the insect population in your home, thereby removing the primary food source for scorpions. Pest control professionals can apply treatments that specifically target scorpions, as well as the insects they feed on, creating a dual barrier of protection around your home.

In addition to professional treatments, there are DIY methods that can be effective in deterring scorpions. Diatomaceous earth, a natural substance that is harmless to humans and pets, can be used to create a barrier that is lethal to scorpions. Applying it around the perimeter of your home, under appliances, and in other areas where scorpions might hide can help keep them at bay. Glue traps placed in strategic locations can also capture scorpions, reducing their numbers and providing insight into their entry points.


Green Magic Pest Control – Staying Scorpion Free this Summer

Staying scorpion-free this summer doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With Green Magic Pest Control, Maricopa County’s top pest and wildlife removal agency, you have a dedicated partner in your fight against these unwelcome visitors. Our expert team understands the unique challenges scorpions present and has the knowledge and tools to effectively address them. Whether it’s implementing preventative measures or conducting targeted treatments, our approach is tailored to ensure your home remains a safe and comfortable environment for you and your family.

Green Magic Pest Control is here to support you, if you don’t think you can do it alone! Call us up for a free quote, and let’s get your Maricopa county home or business stinger-free! 


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